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Music Together® Update

About Our Classes

Each semester includes:

  • Award winning music on CDs and available for download

  • A beautifully illustrated songbook with family activities to help you make music together at home

  • Family E-newsletter and parent education resources on the global music together website

  • Weekly classes with a Registered Teacher facilitating learning for both children and adults 

  • 24/7 access to the Family Music Zone for more enrichment and fun!

  • New families to Blue Sky Music receive a guide for parents and caregivers of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners entitled "Music Together At Home: Helping Your Child Grow Musically."

Mixed-Age Music Classes

Each week in Music Together® Mixed-Age Classes at Blue Sky Music, babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and the grownups who love them gather for 45 minutes of fun-filled family music time. Your teacher will lead you and the other families in music activities ranging from lullabies to full-on jam sessions (with child-friendly instruments, of course!). It’s so much fun you won’t realize how much learning is taking place!


You’ll take home the award-winning music used in class, along with an illustrated songbook and other resources. As you discover new ways to play with music all week long, you’ll be supporting your child’s music-learning and overall development---even if you don’t think of yourself as a great singer or dancer.


Why mixed ages?

Child development researchers discovered that grouping children of different ages in one class encourages natural, family-style learning, so Music Together® developed the Mixed-Age Music Class. In this class, everyone participates at their own levels: babies vocalize, listen, and observe; toddlers play and experiment; and preschoolers build confidence as they emerge as classroom leaders. Grownups are happy because everyone can come to class together!


Try A Free Mixed-Age Music Class

When our classes are running, any new families are welcome to join us for a free trial class. Please contact us more information!

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